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INV111CD - Wind Shadows
Kim Robertson

"Wind Shadows is a marvelous collection of Celtic Harp pieces. The gentle songs invite you to become lost in their reflections. It's wistful but not gloomy, and a lovely album to be savored at a quiet time - perfect to accompany a pot of herbal tea and daydream on a drizzly morning." - CD review

Kim Robertson's name has become synonymous with the gentle but powerfully evocative Celtic harp, an instrument which for a thousand years held within its strings and wood the spiritual heartbeat and poetic breath of the Celtic race. Kim Robertson's remarkable ability to reach into its strings and pull from it hidden treasures has made her one of the most popular harpists performing today.

Sound Clips
Click to hear a clip of Lauda
Click to hear a clip of Morgan Meaghan

Order CD directly from us/GASON records: CD Orders